Where do you play disc golf?

Where do you play discgolf?

Discgolf can in principle be played anywhere, but it is mainly played in a park, where there are often obstacles such as trees, bushes and/or water that must be avoided. Here is a basket that functions as the end point. Different types of surfaces, concrete, tiles, (artificial) grass, stone or wood can be thrown towards the basket. This is called the tee pad. The tee pad often indicates how the hole is played. This shows how many throws you throw par and whether there are any additional rules for the hole. Think of out of bounds (OB, is to make a hole more difficult, for more explanation see the disc golf terms page). But everywhere in general, disc golf is played on a course where holes have been marked out and baskets are available to play the course. In the Netherlands there are a number of public courses where you can always play for free and with your own discs. There are also a lot of courses abroad that you can visit and with the Udisc app you can see exactly where you can play and what the course (layout, design) of the course looks like.

In the Netherlands you can play in:

  • Almere, Buitencentrum Almeerderhout, here you pay €2.50 for a scorecard.
  • Amsterdam Sloterpark, President Allendelaan 3, 1064 GW Amsterdam. This is the home of disc golf association DSA. More information at www.dsadiscgolf.com
  • Arnhem, Immerloopark, Groningensingel 959, 6835GL Arnhem. This is the home of disc golf association Bear Disc Golf.
  • Beilen, Ossenbroeken, more information at www.discgolfnederland.nl
  • Greetings, Greetings Zandkuil, more information at www.discgolfschoorl.nl
  • Groningen City Park, Concourslaan 1 9727KC Groningen. More information at www.discgolfclubgroningen.nl
  • Heerenveen, Disc Golf Course Heerenveen, this is the home of the disc golf association, City Park Flyers.
  • Hoogeveen, Steenbergerpark, Korenstraat 47, 7908NL Hoogeveen
  • Nieuwegein, Parkhout 2, 3432NE Nieuwegein, this is the home base of disc golf association DSA. More information at www.dsadiscgolf.com
  • Rotterdam Roel Langerak Park, Roel Langerakweg 25B, 3041JK Rotterdam.
  • Rotterdam Zuiderpark, Oldegaarde 21, 3084AA Rotterdam
  • Tilburg, Stadsbos013, Bredaseweg 560, 5036NB Tilburg, this is the home base of Discgolf013. More information at https://discgolf013.nl
  • Zevenaar, Panovenweg 18, 6905DW Zevenaar.
  • Zoetermeer, Burgemeester van Tuyllpark, van der Hagenstraat 32, 2722NT Zoetermeer, this is the home base of disc golf association DSA. More information at www.dsadiscgolf.com
  • Zwijndrecht, parking is available at Lindtsedijk 223, course address is Veerweg 10, 3336LD Zwijndrecht

Source frisbeesport.nl